Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument

Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument includes federal submerged lands within the 3-mile belt off the island of St. John. These waters support a diverse and complex system of coral reefs and other ecosystems such as shoreline mangrove forests and seagrass beds.

Once on St. John, the only part of Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument accessible by land is in Hurricane Hole. To get to Hurricane Hole, follow route 10 from Cruz Bay to Estate Hermitage. The Monument extends eastward from Borck Creek to Haulover Bay along the southern shoreline of the Island. Just a sliver of the Monument touches the north shore. To the west of the Monument line is National Park waters, and to the east is territorial waters.

  • Boating
  • Motorized Boating
  • Sailing
  • Fishing
  • Fly Fishing
  • Saltwater Fishing
  • Paddling
  • Kayaking
  • Stand Up Paddleboarding
  • SCUBA Diving
  • Snorkeling
  • Swimming
  • Saltwater Swimming
  • Wildlife Watching
  • Birdwatching

  • Maritime
  • Ships and Shipwrecks
  • Animals
  • Birds
  • Fish
  • Tortoises and Turtles
  • Coasts, Islands and Atolls
  • Estuaries and Mangroves
  • Oceans
  • Coral Reefs
  • The Tropics
  • Unique Species
  • Rare
  • Endangered

Parrot Fish

Parrot Fish posing for the camera over several corals

Parrot Fish posing for the camera over several corals