Vicksburg National Military Park

To Confederate President Jefferson Davis, Vicksburg was the "nailhead that holds the South's two halves together." President Abraham Lincoln remarked "Vicksburg is the key" to victory, and could be the north's lifeline into the south. As the federals closed in on the Fortress City, they were met by a ring of forts with over 170 cannon. The resulting battle would determine the war's outcome.

Plane — Closest commercial airport: Jackson, MS, 50 miles to the east. Car — Directions to Vicksburg: From the east — Take Interstate 20 west to Vicksburg, MS. Use exit ramp 4B. Follow Clay Street (US-80) west 0.25 miles to park entrance. From the north — Take Interstate 55 south to Jackson, MS. To save time, use Interstate 220 bypass on west side of Jackson. Take Interstate 20 west to Vicksburg approximately 40 miles. Use exit ramp 4B. Follow Clay Street (US-80) west 0.25 miles to park entrance.

  • Auto and ATV
  • Scenic Driving
  • Biking
  • Road Biking
  • Food
  • Picnicking
  • Guided Tours
  • Self-Guided Tours - Auto
  • Hiking
  • Front-Country Hiking
  • Living History
  • Historic Weapons Demonstration
  • Junior Ranger Program
  • Park Film
  • Museum Exhibits
  • Shopping
  • Bookstore and Park Store

  • African American Heritage
  • Burial, Cemetery and Gravesite
  • National Cemetery
  • Military
  • Wars and Conflicts
  • Civil War

Union Cannon

Union cannon aimed at Confederate lines

The Union artillery played a major role in the outcome of the Vicksburg Campaign.

Illinois State Memorial

Stars behind the Illinois State Memorial

Stars gleam behind the Illinois State Memorial.

The Shirley House

Roses in bloom in front of the Shirley House

Roses in bloom in front of the Shirley House, the only remaining Civil War structure in the park.

Ranger Programs

Park Ranger in Civil War Uniform Talks to Crowd

A park ranger in a Union Civil War uniform talks to a crowd of visitors.