Pennsylvania Avenue

A street unlike any other. It is known the world over as the heart of the Nation's Capital. America's history has marched, paraded, promenaded, and protested its way along the Avenue.

Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site is part of National Mall and Memorial Parks. The avenue is among the world's more famous streets and is known the world over as the heart of the Nation's Capital, extending through the corridors of Federal power and influence. "America's Main Street" visually connects, yet separates, the White House from the U.S. Capitol and the U.S. Supreme Court buildings.

  • Guided Tours
  • Junior Ranger Program

  • Presidents
  • Scenic Views

Pennsylvania Avenue

Motorcycles pass by a crowd in a parade.

Police motorcycles pass in formation during the 2013 inaugural parade.

US Navy Memorial

A stone plaza depicting a map of the globe.

Explore the plaza, fountains, and artwork of the US Navy Memorial.

Major General Winfield Scott Hancock Monument

A bronze statue of a man on horse atop a stone plinth.

Hancock grew to fame in the Civil War at the Battle of Gettysburg.

Freedom Plaza

A grass circle in a gray stone plaza with lines resembling streets with the US Capitol in the rear.

Freedom Plaza is a large square on Pennsylvania Avenue near the White House.

Stephenson Memorial (Grand Army of the Republic)

A rather squat, stone obelisk in a plaza with a bronze figure on the face.

The Grand Army of the Republic was a veterans group of nearly half a million men formed from veterans of the Civil War. It was also the first veterans group in the United States.