Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument

Look closely. Look again. The sights and sounds of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, an International Biosphere Reserve, reveal a thriving community of plants and animals. Human stories echo throughout this desert preserve, chronicling thousands of years of desert living. A scenic drive, wilderness hike or a night of camping will expose you to a living desert that thrives.

The Kris Eggle Visitor Center is located on Highway 85 approximately 25 miles south of Why, AZ and 5 miles north of Lukeville, AZ, just before the US-Mexico Border.

  • Auto and ATV
  • Scenic Driving
  • Astronomy
  • Stargazing
  • Biking
  • Road Biking
  • Camping
  • Backcountry Camping
  • Car or Front Country Camping
  • Horse Camping (see also Horse/Stock Use)
  • Group Camping
  • RV Camping
  • Guided Tours
  • Self-Guided Tours - Walking
  • Self-Guided Tours - Auto
  • Hiking
  • Backcountry Hiking
  • Front-Country Hiking
  • Off-Trail Permitted Hiking
  • Horse Trekking
  • Horse Camping (see also camping)
  • Horseback Riding
  • Junior Ranger Program
  • Wildlife Watching
  • Birdwatching
  • Park Film
  • Museum Exhibits
  • Shopping
  • Bookstore and Park Store

  • Archeology
  • Explorers and Expeditions
  • Farming and Agriculture
  • Ranches
  • Schools and Education
  • Animals
  • Birds
  • Cats (wild)
  • Groundwater
  • Freshwater Springs
  • Mountains
  • Night Sky
  • Astronomy
  • Rock Landscapes and Features
  • Arches
  • Scenic Views
  • Trails
  • Unique Species
  • Rare
  • Endangered
  • Wilderness

Organ Pipe Cactus at sunset

Organ pipe cactus and mountains at sunset

Visit the only place in the U.S. where you can see large stands of organ pipe cacti.

Organ Pipe Cactus

sun setting on a green organ pipe cactus

Experience the only place in the US where the Organ Pipe Cactus naturally grows

Scenic views in Alamo Canyon

View of Alamo Canyon trail, flanked by saguaros and vegetation with mountains in background

Capture amazing views from trails and scenic drives

Sonoran Pronghorn

Sonoran pronghorn with cholla stuck to its face

Experience the wildlife of the most biodiverse desert in North America

Blooming saguaro cactus

A saguaro cactus with white blooms, with reddish mountains in the background

Experience the rich assemblage of cacti at Organ Pipe Cactus.