Obed Wild & Scenic River

The Obed Wild and Scenic River looks much the same today as it did when the first white settlers strolled its banks in the late 1700s. While meagerly populated due to poor farming soil, the river was a hospitable fishing and hunting area for trappers and pioneers. Today, the Obed stretches along the Cumberland Plateau and offers visitors a variety of outdoor recreational opportunities.

The Obed Wild & Scenic River Visitor Center is located at 208 North Maiden Street in downtown Wartburg, Tennessee. Please use the link for more information.

  • Astronomy
  • Stargazing
  • Camping
  • Climbing
  • Rock Climbing
  • Fishing
  • Freshwater Fishing
  • Hiking
  • Hunting and Gathering
  • Paddling
  • Canoe or Kayak Camping
  • Junior Ranger Program
  • Wildlife Watching
  • Birdwatching
  • Park Film

  • Animals
  • Birds
  • Forests and Woodlands
  • Deciduous Forests
  • Geology
  • Night Sky
  • Scenic Views
  • Trails
  • Watersheds

Obed WSR in Fall

Obed in Fall

Obed in Fall

Nemo at Night

A star-filled night sky above the silhouette of a truss-bridge

A Star-Filled Night Sky above the Historic Nemo Bridge