Muir Woods National Monument

Walk among old growth coast redwoods, cooling their roots in the fresh water of Redwood Creek and lifting their crowns to reach the sun and fog. Federally protected as a National Monument since 1908, this primeval forest is both refuge and laboratory, revealing our relationship with the living landscape. What will you discover in Muir Woods?

From San Francisco: Muir Woods is located 11 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge. Take Hwy 101 North --> Mill Valley/Highway 1/ Stinson Beach Exit --> Follow the signs to Hwy 1 --> Follow the signs to Muir Woods From the East Bay: Take Hwy 580/Richmond/San Rafael Bridge West --> Hwy 101 South --> Take the Stinson Beach/Mill Valley Exit --> Follow the signs to Highway 1 --> Follow the signs to Muir Woods Vehicles over 35 feet long are prohibited. RVs under 35' need an oversized parking spot.

  • Food
  • Dining
  • Guided Tours
  • Hiking
  • Junior Ranger Program
  • Wildlife Watching
  • Birdwatching
  • Shopping
  • Bookstore and Park Store

  • Animals
  • Birds
  • Fish
  • Forests and Woodlands
  • Coniferous Forests
  • River and Riparian
  • Trails
  • Unique Species
  • Endangered

Muir Woods National Monument

Wooden sign and entrance to Muir Woods National Monument

Entrance to Muir Woods National Monument

Bridge through Muir Woods

A wooden bridge crosses Redwood Creek in the redwood forest

Summer is a busy time at Muir Woods. Visit early in the morning for the most pleasant experience.

Bohemian Grove

Sun rays shine down on a visitor among very tall redwood trees

Later afternoon is a gorgeous time of day to visit Bohemian Grove, inside Muir Woods.

Lady Fern

A Lady Fern grows over Redwood Creek

At least ten species of ferns grow in Muir Woods - fern seem to grow larger in redwood forests than other forests - possibly competing for attention from the redwoods?

Bench along main trail

A bench along the boardwalk with the sun shining through the redwoods

Relax in the sunshine on this quiet bench along Muir Woods main trail.

Redwood trees

A hiker appears very small among the redwood trees

Meander along the main trail and consider your size compared to these giants.

Trillium ovatum

trillium, a white flower with large green leaves in bloom on the forest floor

Trillium ovatum blooms in late winter and early spring along the forest floor.

Banana Slug

A yellow banana slug creeping along a twig

Banana slugs creep along the forest floor in Muir Woods and are likely to be abundant in the warmer days of winter.