Glen Canyon National Recreation Area

Encompassing over 1.25 million acres, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area offers unparalleled opportunities for water-based & backcountry recreation. The recreation area stretches for hundreds of miles from Lees Ferry in Arizona to the Orange Cliffs of southern Utah, encompassing scenic vistas, geologic wonders, and a vast panorama of human history.

There are multiple districts in Glen Canyon very far away from each other. Avoid a two hundred mile detour and make sure you know which district you are going to before you begin travelling here.

  • Auto and ATV
  • Scenic Driving
  • Astronomy
  • Stargazing
  • Biking
  • Road Biking
  • Boating
  • Jet Skiing
  • Boat Tour
  • Camping
  • Fishing
  • Food
  • Dining
  • Guided Tours
  • Self-Guided Tours - Auto
  • Boat Tour
  • Hands-On
  • Volunteer Vacation
  • Hiking
  • Paddling
  • Kayaking
  • Junior Ranger Program
  • Swimming
  • Shopping
  • Bookstore and Park Store

  • Archeology
  • Cliff Dwellings
  • Dams
  • Explorers and Expeditions
  • Religion and Spirituality
  • Missions
  • Transportation
  • Bridges
  • Westward Expansion
  • Homesteading
  • Animals
  • Birds
  • Fish
  • Climate Change
  • Fossils and Paleontology
  • Lakes
  • Night Sky
  • Unique Species
  • Rare
  • Endangered

Enjoy Lake Powell

Woman raises her arms while standing in front of a sandstone butte

Spending time on Lake Powell near Tower Butte can make anyone excited.

Horseshoe Bend

Green river winds through high cliffs.

The Colorado River makes a 270 degree turn at Horseshoe Bend. Watch your step at the 1000 foot drop!

Glen Canyon Dam

A concrete dam plugs high canyon walls. Buildings and wires on the sides.

Glen Canyon Dam is the country's second largest gravity arch dam. Take a tour from the Carl Hayden Visitor Center.

So Many Ways to Find Your Park

Three kayaks on the lake.

If motorized recreation isn't your thing, take a kayak and paddle through the high side canyons of Lake Powell.

Lonely Dell Ranch at Lees Ferry Historic District

Log cabin and fences with a wooden wagon.

Glen Canyon isn't just houseboats and wakeboards. Come down to Lees Ferry Historic District to relive pioneer times when crossing the river was a major undertaking.