Fort Dupont Park

This 376 acre wooded park was once home to an earthen fort built to protect Washington, DC, during the Civil War. Today, visitors can see the fort's earthworks and escape to the great outdoors. Activities include picnics, nature walks, biking, gardening, environmental education, music, and ranger-led programs.

No physical address. Best address to use is as follows; 3600 F Street SE Washington D.C.

  • Arts and Culture
  • Live Music
  • Biking
  • Mountain Biking
  • Food
  • Picnicking
  • Junior Ranger Program
  • Wildlife Watching

  • African American Heritage
  • Forts
  • Military
  • Music
  • Wars and Conflicts
  • Civil War
  • Animals
  • Forests and Woodlands
  • Deciduous Forests
  • Trails

Fort DuPont Park

Fort during fall hike


Fort Dupont Summer Concerts

A large crowd watches a concert on a stage at Fort Dupont

Thousands of visitors come to Fort Dupont in the summer for the concert series.

Wild Turkeys at Fort Dupont

A wild turkey

Fort Dupont is great for birding. Wild turkeys are often spotted along our bike trails.

Biking at Fort Dupont

A park ranger leads a bike tour of Fort Dupont

Fort Dupont has some great mountain biking trails for you to get exercise and enjoy nature.

Fort Dupont Community Gardens

Children plant vegetables at the community gardens

The Fort Dupont community gardens are a popular spot for locals to garden and socialize. Contact the park for a garden permit.