Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument

Throughout his life, Charles Young overcame countless obstacles in his ascent to prominence. In spite of overt racism and stifling inequality, Young rose through the military ranks to become one of the most respected leaders of his time. A well-rounded man with a steadfast devotion to duty, Young led by example and inspired a generation of new leaders.

"Youngsholm" is located in Wilberforce, Ohio near Wilberforce University. It is situated less than one mile west of the Wilberforce University and Central State University campuses on U.S. Route 42 at 1120 US Route 42 E.

  • Food
  • Dining
  • Guided Tours
  • Self-Guided Tours - Walking
  • Self-Guided Tours - Auto
  • Junior Ranger Program
  • Park Film

  • African American Heritage
  • Military
  • Infantry and Militia
  • Cavalry
  • US Army
  • Wars and Conflicts
  • Indian and Frontier Wars

Youngsholm, June 2020

A large grey house with dark grey shutters with a green lawn out front under a blue sky

The front of Youngsholm, the park's visitor center

Charles Young House Boulder

A large gray stone boulder with a bronze plaque on it indicating a national historical landmark

The large stone boulder with Historic Plaque affixed to it, sits in the front yard of Youngsholm

Charles Young Spingarn Award

An African American man in a military uniform holding a sabre and wearing a cap sitting in a chair

Charles Young poses for a portrait shortly before he was awarded the NAACP Spingarn Medal.

Charles Young on his mount

An African American man in a military uniform sitting high on a horse being saluted by a boy

Charles Young poses for a portrait with one of his horses as he is saluted by a young, unidentified boy.

Charles Young and family

An african american family posing for a portrait with the mother standing behind the father and kids

Charles Young (far right) poses with his family, Ada Young (standing rear), Charles Noel (far left), and Marie Aurelia (sitting middle).

24th Infantry in Philippine

A long row of African American soldiers standing at attention

The 24th Infantry Buffalo Soldiers while in the Philippines, c.1902

25th Infantry in Montana

Several African American soldiers standing and sitting for a casual portrait

Buffalo Soldiers of the 25th Infantry pose for a portrait near Fort Keough, Montana, c.1890.

9th Cavalry, K Troop

African American soldiers sitting, kneeling and standing for a casual photo

Troopers from the 9th Cav, K Troop posing for a group photo, c.1890.

10th Cavalry, Troop K on the move

Several african american soldiers on horseback parading down a dirt road.

Buffalo Soldiers of K Troop, 10th Cavalry on the move in Chickamauga, Ga., c.1898

Harlem Hellfighters

Several African American soldiers waving while standing and sitting on a boat's deck

Buffalo Soldiers of the 369th regiment, Harlem Hellfighters, returning home from France during WWI.

Advancing in the jungle in the South Pacific

Three African American soldiers holding rifles and walking amongst tall grass and brush

Buffalo Soldiers of the 93rd Infantry advance cautiously in a jungle somewhere in the South Pacific, c.1945