Capitol Hill Parks

The Capitol Hill Parks include several park areas east of the U.S. Capitol. Included in this group are Folger, Lincoln, Stanton, and Marion Parks, the Eastern Market and Potomac Avenue Metro stations, and several smaller land parcels such as Seward Square, Twining Square, the Maryland Avenue Triangles, the Pennsylvania Avenue Medians, and 59 inner-city triangles and squares.

  • Arts and Culture
  • Biking
  • Food
  • Picnicking
  • Flying
  • Guided Tours
  • Self-Guided Tours - Walking
  • Bus/Shuttle Guided Tour
  • Junior Ranger Program
  • Playground

  • African American Heritage
  • Arts
  • Sculpture
  • Enslavement
  • Landscape Design
  • Monuments and Memorials
  • Presidents
  • Reconstruction
  • Schools and Education
  • Social Movements
  • Abolition Movement
  • Civil Rights
  • Voting Rights and Suffrage
  • Tragic Events
  • Assassinations
  • Urban America
  • Wars and Conflicts
  • Civil War
  • Women's History

Folger Park


Folger Park

Lincoln Park

Emancipation Group Memorial

Emancipation Group Memorial Statue

Marion Park


Marion Park Playground

Stanton Park


Stanton Park

Mary McLeod Bethune Memorial

Bethune Memorial

Bethune Memorial in Lincoln Park across from Emancipation Group Memorial