Amache National Historic Site

Amache, also known as the Granada Relocation Center, near Granada, Colorado was one of ten incarceration sites established by the War Relocation Authority during World War II to unjustly incarcerate Japanese Americans. Over 10,000 people, most American citizens, were incarcerated at Amache from 1942-1945. Amache - a place to reflect, recommit, and further the pursuit of freedom and justice.

Amache National Historic Site is in southeastern Colorado about 1.5 miles west of the town of Granada, 17.5 miles east of Lamar, and half an hour drive from the Kansas border. The site is located off Highway 385/50 along the Santa Fe Trail.

  • Incarceration
  • Japanese-American Internment

Amache Barracks and Guard Tower

reconstructed barracks, guard and water towers surrounded by brown grass and shrubs.

Reconstructed barracks, guard and water towers at the newly designated Amache National Historic Site